
Sunday, August 10, 2008

Experts say better treatments needed for children with HIV (AFP)

A woman passes by a poster showing a big AIDS red ribbon at the Global Village in Mexico City. Children, long neglected in the fight against AIDS, still lack access to effective HIV detection programs and treatments, participants warned Thursday, at a six-day world AIDS conference.(AFP/Ronaldo Schemidt)AFP - Children, long neglected in the fight against AIDS, still lack access to effective HIV detection programs and dimethylaminoethanol participants warned Thursday, at a six-day world AIDS conference.

Achieving proper nutrition is a goal mothers strive for in their meals. How do bulk co enzyme q10 choose to best meet wholesale dehydroepiandrosterone dhea nutrition needs.

The most basic fact is that the food with the least amount of man's hand in play provides the best nutrition. This includes your fresh fruits and vegetables. But even with this basic fact we can undercut it even more.

How the food is grown does play a role in the value it has to you. Big farming operations use methods aimed at high production and low cost. Here we see the use of chemical pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers and even sewage sludge. With all the chemicals poured onto the plants and into the soil, how is a plant to flourish?

Science has also offered genetically engineered plants. These GE foods have had their DNA manipulated by man. Mutations that work their way into other plants as well just by nature's own activities.

Now there is another method of growing practices. That of the organic farmer. This fellow recognizes that the soil is alive. And he works with the environment to enhance the soil quality and limit the farms impact.

These farmers know that healthy nutrient rich soil produces healthy plants. Plants that are then rich in nutrients. And this is the exact point where you benefit. Organically produced food has a high nutrient content and it lacks the chemical contaminants.

So try this...

Replace the conventionally grown produce with organically produced for four weeks. Your body will thrive on the natural nutrients inherit in the food. The nutrition will allow your body to begin to heal itself. After the four weeks then decide which is best for your optimal health.

Doris Temple created to fill the need for unbiased information. The Website provides information about organic food, products and healthy nutrition. Sign up for a free monthly email newsletter (ezine) to get the answers you need and keep updated:


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