
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Medicare vote over HMO cuts to move in Senate (Reuters)

Reuters - A key U.S. Democratic lawmaker charged on Wednesday that members of the military's civilian health plan will suffer if a stalemate over health insurance reimbursement is not remedied.

Endometriosis was first recognized as a pathologic entity at the beginning of the twentieth century. It is defined as a condition resulting from disseminated implants of actively growing and functioning endometrial tissue in aberrant locations outside of the uterus. Symptoms of the disease never appear before the menarche and are most frequently seen in women in glycocyamine supplement nutrition twenties or thirties. The disease usually ceases to be a problem after a woman reaches menopause.

Symptoms of the disease will vary with the location of the lesion. The most common symptoms are lower abdominal pain, backache, dyspareunia, menorrhagia, pre- and post- menstrual staining, bladder irritability, hematuria, bowel disturbances with painful defecation and rectal bleeding, painful inguinal swellings, sterility, and dysmenorrhea. The symptoms are accentuated by menstruation and will usually decrease and/or completely subside at the end or just after the period.

Nutritional support offers a promising adjunct to drugs or surgery. Any nutritional support will be more effective if the woman has first received a thorough chiropractic evaluation and treatment. A normally functioning nervous system is a prerequisite for a complete restoration of optimal health.

Nutritional support should include the following:

1. Phyto-Sterols to balance the hormonal system. An estrogen progesterone imbalance or deficiency may result in menstrual dysfunction. A supplement containing Mexican Wild Yam, Beta Sitosterol, and specific amino acids would be ideal.

2. Phyto-Nutrients from a variety of cruciferous vegetables and fruit provides newly discovered plant chemicals that assist in cellular repair.

3. Glyconutrients provide the necessary plant sugars needed for cell-to-cell communication and immune support.

4. Vitamin / Mineral supplement, food formed would be best. Provides many co-factors need for optimal health.

Please understand that this is not a prescription to cure anything, but simply a guideline to better provide nutritional support. Dr. Enders may be contacted at

To receive a complimentary copy of 10 Deadly Health Myths e-mail Dr. Enders at the above e-mail address. Please put 10 Deadly Health Myths in subject line.

Dr. David K. Enders is a 1973 graduate of the Palmer College of Chiropractic. He served four years in the U.S. Air Force as a medic before entering college. Dr. Enders has studied nutrition for 30 years and has had several articles on nutrition published in professional journals. After completing a Clinical Teaching Residency at Palmer College of Chiropractic he moved to the Chicago area, where he now provides nutritional counseling. His web site is:


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